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case study 1

Purpose as „strategy horizon“ at a food manufacturer

Initial situation

Consumer goods manufacturer from the food industry is in a transformation process

The profit expectations of the shareholders, rising raw material costs and a slight decline in sales in an important product line have prompted the management to adopt a cost-cutting course

As a result, divisions are being restructured, processes standardized, and the workforce selectively reduced

At the same time, an initiated strategy process is stopped because a clear purpose is missing to create the orientation for the future and for new business models

Our assignment was to accompany the company on the way to sharpening this purpose


Background discussions with the shareholders, the grandchild generation, and the management about the history of the company, the status quo, and the future agenda of the company

The democratization process then begins – a group of 15 people is made up of equal numbers of managers and employees

The group works its way successively, intensively, and precisely along a Purpose WHY process to the Purpose (along the constructs of company history, brand, market situation, customer perspectives, shareholder expectations, future scenarios and employee images)

Discussion and approval of the jointly developed Purpose in the circle of shareholders, management and representatives from the 15-member working group

Cascading of the Purpose into the core organization, connecting the employees at the various company locations with the Purpose in the context of „connection workshops

Parallel operationalization workshop of the divisions and teams to translate the Purpose into aligned mindset, behaviors and actions


The new Purpose and the process of its development underpin the transformation process with meaning

Employees at the various company locations move closer together

Ownership among teams and employees increases and decisions are noticeably accelerated

Leadership and the change in working methods and self-image are sustainably set in motion

case study 2

Realignment of the sales and marketing organization with an efficiency-oriented market control logic and introduction of a value-based incentive model at an international mobility provider

Initial situation

Lack of efficiency orientation in the sales control logic

Wrong sales impulses due to high product-oriented sales premium requirements

Sales, marketing, and product management planning and act in silos

Need to develop a value-oriented sales and marketing management

Project assignment

Design and introduction of an efficiency-oriented control logic of the sales and marketing channels

Application of cause-related CPO consideration

Introduction of a value-oriented performance and incentive model for sales & marketing

Consistent alignment of processes, roles and responsibilities away from product focus towards customer focus in traditional sales and e-commerce (customer journey)


Introduction of an efficiency-oriented sales management logic

Introduction of a customer-oriented instead of purely product-oriented performance and incentive model

Design and introduction of a cause-related cost analysis

Development of a modern, hybrid sales/marketing business model derived from corporate strategy, market development strategy, integrated marketing and sales processes, roles, and sales organization to the development of a custom-fit incentive model that promotes customer-oriented control logic

Design of a a role and competency-based learning architecture inkl. a training curriculum


Successful introduction of an integrated market development strategy with customer and value-oriented sales management

Derivation of critical action requirements (efficiency-increasing measures, reallocation of resources)

Reduction and allocation of premium requirements

Successful introduction of a multi-channel process map based on the market development strategy (classic sales, e-commerce, etc.)

Realignment of sales, marketing and product management structures, roles and responsibilities

Design and introduction of a customer and value-oriented management and incentive model

Design and introduction of a custom-fit learning architecture and training curriculum to promote future aspirations in the sales & marketing organization

case study 3

Change & cultural integration in the context of the realignment of an IT operating unit of a private sector bank

Initial situation

In the past, the IT unit of a specialist institution operating nationwide operated exclusively in the role of provider manager

As part of the IT migration to a new core banking system, the IT requirements changed fundamentally

In addition, the IT unit grows strongly due to a completed division integration as well as due to implemented and further planned new hires


Analysis and sharpening of the divisional strategy and creation of transparency among managers, teams and employees

Analysis, preparation, support and empowerment of executives for leadership in change processes

Structural and cultural integration of the division by promoting mutual acquaintance and creating common rituals and principles of cooperation

Increasing acceptance and active involvement of employees and managers in the change process

Analysis of competence and skills management and creation of an inventory

Development of a customized learning architecture and training programs as part of a re/up-skilling strategy

Methodology & Results

Increasing the understanding of the change among employees with the help of a tangible „narrative“ (change story) and creating transparency of the change project through clear guard rails

Active involvement of project multipliers and focus groups throughout the change process

Coaching of executives in the context of their new challenges

Close liaison with all relevant stakeholders from the business partner areas as well as with employee representatives

Ensuring a uniform level of knowledge and information throughout the IT area by introducing and consistently using appropriate communication channels and formats

Reviewing project success through regular evidence-based survey formats

Supporting team building through evidence-based interview and analysis processes to provide space for reflection, feedback and development within the team

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